Hyperparameter Tuning

What is Hyperparameter

A hyperparameter is a static parameter that needs to be assigned a value before applying an algorithm to data. For instance, parameters like learning rate, epochs, etc. are set before training the models.

Optimization Hyperparameter- These parameters are related to optimization processes like gradient descent (learning rate), training process, mini-batch sizes, etc.

Model Hyperparameter- These parameters are related to models like several hidden layers or number of neurons in each layer etc.

Learning Rate

It is the most important of all hyperparameters. Even for a pre-trained model, we should try out multiple values of the learning rate. The most commonly used learning rate is 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, etc.

Figure 1: Learning Rate

large value of the learning rate tends to overshoot the gradient value, making it difficult for the weight to converge to the global minimum.

small value of the learning rate makes the convergence towards the global minimum very slow. We can recognize this from the training and validation losses.

An optimum value of the learning rate will lead to a global minimum, which can be viewed as a constantly decreasing loss.

Learning Rate Decay

Keeping only one learning rate may not help the weight reach the global minimum. So we can change the value of the learning rate after a certain number of epochs. It helps in moving the gradient stuck in a local minimum.

Figure 2: Learning Rate Decay

Adaptive Learning Rate

Sometimes it is crucial to understand the problem and change the learning rate accordingly, like increasing or decreasing it. Functions like Adam and AdaGrad Optimizer help in adapting the learning rate following the objective function.

Minibatch Size

It is one of the most commonly tuned hyperparameters in deep learning. Let’s consider that we have 1000 records and we have to train a model on top of it. Now, for training, we can select different batch sizes for the model. Let’s check out different batch sizes.

First, If we keep the Minibatch size at 1, then the weights are updated for every record after backpropagation. It is called stochastic batch gradient descent.

Figure 3: Minibatch

Next, If the minibatch size is equal to the number of records in the dataset, then the weight update is done after all the records are passed through forward propagation. It is called batch gradient descent.

However, If the Minibatch Size is set to a value between 1 and the total number of records, then the weight update is done after the set values of records are passed through forward propagation. It is called mini-batch gradient descent.

The most commonly used values for minibatch sizes are 32, 64, 128, and 256. Values greater than 256 require more memory and computational efficiency.

Number of Epochs

The number of epochs is decided based on the validation error. As the validation error keeps decreasing, we can assume that our model is learning and updating the weights positively.

There is also a technique called “early stopping,” which helps determine the number of iterations.

Figure 4: Iterations

Validation Monitor

      validation_monitor = tf.contrib.learn.monitors.ValidationMonitor(

The last parameter indicates the ValidationMonitor. It suggests that the training process should stop if the loss doesn’t decrease in the 200 training steps (rounds).


A monitor to request the training to stop after a certain number of steps.


It monitors losses and stops training if it encounters a NaN loss.

Number of Hidden Units/Layers

One of the most mysterious hyper-parameters to determine is the number of hidden units and layers. The objective of the deep learning model is to build a complex mapping function between features and targets.

In complex mapping, the complexity is directly proportional to the number of hidden units. More hidden units lead to more complex mapping.

Note, if we create too complex a model, then it overfits the training data. We can see this from the validation error while training; in such a case, we should reduce the hidden units.

To conclude, keep track of validation errors while increasing the number of hidden units.

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Further Reading

Andrej Karpathy How does batch size affect the model performance | Stackexchange | BGD vs SGD | Visualizing Networks | Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures | Deep Learning Book by Ian Goodfellow | Generate Good Word Embedding | Exponential Decay | Adam Optimizer | Adagrad Optimizer


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